
Change Goals ECR (C-ECR)

The C-ECR was developed using items from the ECR-R Fraley, Waller, & Brennan, 2000. The C-ECR measures people's desires to change their attachment styles. Research suggests that this measure should be adequate for use in both cross-sectional and longitudinal contexts Hudson & Lodi-Smith, 2023.


How much do you want to change yourself?

Here are a number of personality traits that you may or may not want to change within yourself. Please rate the extent to which you want to change each trait.

Many of the following statements will ask you about your relationship with your romantic partner. If you are not currently in a romantic relationship, you may think about a previous romantic partner, your romantic relationships in general, or even your closest friend.


  1. I want to be someone who occasionally contemplates whether my partner really loves me
  2. I want to spend a lot of time thinking about my relationships
  3. I want to be someone who is concerned about whether my partner is interested in other people
  4. I want to be someone who has no doubts about myself in romantic relationships (R)
  5. I want to be unconcerned about rejection or abandonment (R)
  6. I want to be someone who worries about how I measure up to other people
  7. I want to be someone who is satisfied even with relationships characterized by less closeness and attention than I would ideally want (R)
  8. I want to be someone who requires a lot of affection and support from my partner
  9. I want to be someone who discusses my feelings with my partner (R)
  10. I want to be comfortable being very close to romantic partners (R)
  11. I want to be someone who keeps a bit of distance between me and my partner
  12. I want to be someone who turns to my romantic partner in times of need (R)
  13. I want to be someone who tells my partner just about everything (R)
  14. I want to be someone who is comfortable depending on romantic partners (R)
  15. I want to be someone who is affectionate with my partner (R)
  16. I want to be someone who fully expresses who I am and what I need to romantic partners (R)